"I come to you with only open hands, Other weapons, I have not. But should Right or Honor require it My hands will bear me out."


United Karate Federation

American Kenpo Karate

San Diego, CA.

Upcoming Tournaments

  10 times World Karate Champion Steve "Nasty" Anderson 

helps youth in San Diego, CA.


History of Kenpo

The Yoshida Clan

Mt. Kinkai

Rinzai Sect

Okinawan History



Rey  Leal's

United Karate Federation


American Kenpo Karate

San Diego, Ca.




Mc Elhinney's

American Kenpo Karate 

San Diego, Ca.

Family Tree

Under Construction

History Links

James Mitose

more info  

An interview with Adriando D. Emperado

Joe Lewis

" In Your Corner"

by Joe Lewis

Joe Lewis Seminar

San Diego, CA.


History Links 

William S.K. Chow

Ed Parker Father of American Kenpo


Tracy's History




Books to read





The Book of Five Rings by   Miyamoto Musashi

Tai Chi Ch'uan Classics

Bruce Lee's Fighting Method



 The Art of War by Sun Tzu's  

Tao Teh Ching by Lao Tzu

The Daily Tao"


Great Master's

Martial Arts Dictionary



 NetMartial Arts News

TaiJi Links


What is Taiji ?


Interview with 

Proffessor Li Deyin





The Creator of 42-Form

 Taijiquan &
The Foremost Taiji Master of the World

by Siu-Fong Evans



The Lady of Taiji,

 Siu-Fong Evans

by Abraham Liu


Dallas june 27, 1999

Jing Institute of Chinese Martial Arts


email   ooyahandsome@yahoo.com

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