Siu-Fong Evans, Internal Athlete of the Year and
Grand Champion of Internal Forms, Baltimore, Maryland.
August 2000.
16 gold medals from Dallas!
June 2000
Yongnian, China (Birth place of Yang Luchan)
October 2000
Siu-Fong and the SDTQA team in Phoenix, Arizona.
September 2000
The San Diego Taiji and Qigong Association, home from Dallas.
June 2000
Siu-Fong and Master
Li Deyin.
July 2000
Siu-Fong and Lily Lau.
June 2000
Siu-Fong and the SDTQA team in St. Petersburg, FL.
March 2001
Siu-Fong's daughter Lui Guojing Evans (Jing Jing),
Grand Champion of the 2001 International Martial Arts Championship, St.
Petersburg, FL.
March 2001
Lui Guojing Evans (Jing Jing) in a 42-Form taiji step posture
from the Wu Style: Tui Bu Kua Hu